Saturday 28 May 2011

Please help Wanaka Rock Climbing Club

The Wanaka Rock Climbing Club was started by local climbers who wanted to raise money for maintaining and developing routes in the area.  By selling guide books it has become a tremendous success with over 800 routes in the area.  More importantly the WRCC has been the liaising group with local farmers and land owners who obviously have concerns about people using their land.  The cooperation between land owners and the WRCC has been a model of success, proving that quality climbing and access can be managed in a responsible way.  The income the WRCC gets from guide books allows it to carry on with the development and management of this magnificent climbing area.

Now this model is in danger.

A private company wants to publish a climbing guide to the area.  While they are obviously within their rights to do so (even though ethically it is questionable since it is doing so on the back of the developments accomplished by the the WRCC) they are applying the sell the guide through the New Zealand Alpine Club.  We believe that by selling the guide as a New Zealand Alpine Club Publication the NZAC is undermining a grass roots, non-profit, access providing organization which acts in the best interests of both the Wanaka climbing community and the NZAC members.

What can you do?  Let the NZAC know what you think. Send an email to  It doesn't have to be much, just a "Don't stab Wanaka Rock Climbing Club in the back" should get the message across.  Thanks!

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