Monday 14 March 2011

Mitre Peak : Big Peak, Big Guides, Big Boats, Little Car

Guides Stefan Sporli and Felix Landman did a quick dash up Mitre Peak in Fiordland. Collecting a couple kayaks in Te Anau they lashed them to the top of their already too small vehicle and completed a one day paddle and ascent of this magnificent peak.

Late Summer Conditions

I left the hut the other morning and there it was... frost!

Summer has reached its peak and from here on out the days are a little shorter and a little colder. Like water spiraling down the drain we are getting relentlessly sucked into winter.  March and April are notable for cold morning and hot afternoons with usually stable weather.  Since the glaciers start to get particularly dry (see below) and access to many areas begins to get cut off, many people wonder if this is a good time to go alpine climbing or not.

To be honest the only thing that is important is what the weather is like on the day. If the weather is good we will provide a great trip any time of year. Unfortunately we have yet to come up with a way to guarantee what the weather will do. The only thing guaranteed is that if you don’t go you will never get there! My advice is pick a time of year that works for you and go for it!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

We have been getting lots of kind inquiries asking if we are alright after the Christchurch earthquake. While tremors were felt in Wanaka there is no damage here and luckily it seems that all our friends and relatives have come through without any real tragedy. We all have friends who have lost their homes but that can all be repaired in time. The “more English than England” Christchurch is gone, but in time a new and vibrant city will emerge. Christchurch is the commercial hub of the South Island and it will take years to adjust to the economic impact this will have here. Tourism will play a big role in the restoration of the economy so if you are thinking of visiting New Zealand now is the time!