Tuesday 24 July 2012

Really Useful Websites - Learn Mountaineering Knots


Every so often, we come across really useful websites.  For many years now we've been recommending http://www.animatedknots.com/ to our clients.   It's a great website to learn all the basic mountaineering knots required for good ropework.   Lets face it, unless you are working every day in the mountains like our guides, it's easy to get a bit rusty with even some of the most common knots. 

With this website - and the mobile apps, you can take a piece of cord with you on your next plane flight, train ride or boring road trip and practice them until you can tie knots blindfolded!  [Actually given how dark it is when making an alpine start in NZ - learning to tie off in the dark is a pretty good skill to learn!]. 

Once you become the Knot Guru...then you have to know when and how to use them...that where we come in!     


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